Shepherds Care Counseling Ministries

Purpose Statement

Our nonprofit evangelical association exists to bring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in real and practical ways into a broken world. We offer free faith-based pastoral counseling, consulting & care services to survivors of ritual abuses like SRA, Clergy Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse of any kind; assisting in recovery and healing from these and various traumas like PTSD, DID, OCD and BPD.

We teach, train and provide mentoring for any professional therapist / Counselor in need; in particular to Christian pastors, counselors, leaders and laity on the issues of Spiritual Healing, Warfare, Deliverance and Spiritual Gifts in their relationships with clients, as a resource to reach anyone of any age; separated from the truth of God’s love within them because of what was done to them by people with power over them.

We publish Christian literature for the equipping of anyone who wishes to provide care and give hope to these survivors. We use methods like group or individual counseling in secure chat rooms; counseling via the Internet over ZOOM for private confidential counseling by appointment: email & video conferencing; and personal contact by phone and in person to build a local team for people with special needs for healing with Pastors, Counselors, Therapists and trusted family / friends.

We offer specialized teaching ministries for training leadership in Reformation and Renewal of churches in Biblical Disciplines such as Healing Prayer, Community Evangelism in their Cultural Context, Deliverance Ministries and Peace-making through Conflict Resolution.

SCCM’s Vision Statement

Paraphrase of Luke 14: 12-14

“When you give to others from your abundance, give first to those in need of you, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless and afraid, those sick and imprisoned, without hope and no means to repay you;  (Giving without expecting anything in return.)  Then give to your family and friends, or wealthy neighbors who can repay you, from their own abundance and satisfaction is yours. For  when you give to the least of these, you have given unto Me says the Lord.

Contributions Needed to Support our Free Services

The Counseling and Prayer ministries of SCCM are free services. There is a tremendous need in our nation to establish safe houses as temporary shelters for those still caught in cultic abuse and human sex trafficking of children. There are needs for longer term care facilities to help these people to start new lives free of abusive controls within their spirits to truly heal. As more survivors contact us to receive free copies of our materials to support their care, funds are needed to cover the cost of publishing and shipping them around the world. We need your help to continue providing the quality of Pastoral Care and Counseling to this segment of our society who cannot find real help anywhere else. All contributions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Please contact us at Shepherds Care Ministries to find out more how you can support these vital ministries.

The following Donation Link to our PayPal Giving Fund account allows you to donate to the SCCM Programs or General Fund without processing fees for either party donating.