Letter of Hope Never Lost

Letter of Hope Never Lost

This letter was sent to another survivor. I’m sending it to you because I think it might help you.

Hello my friend,

Trusting in God again is very difficult for you and I understand that, but it is the only way I know and experienced with many people, to gain healing in their lives to begin again.  The worst part of the abuse you suffered is that those closest to you, who were supposed to give you the truth about God and His love for you… did the opposite. They did not nurture you as they were instructed to by God and listened instead to evil’s control in their lives and shattered your ability to know and trust God at pretty much every level.

Yet, there is one place that they could never reach…your soul/spirit. When you were created, God put knowledge of His love and desire to have a relationship with you there to sustain you throughout life. If this were not so, you would not have known the difference between good and evil, or that what your parents did or those that followed them were not following God’s purposes for you. You called out to God because you knew instinctively within your soul that He was your only hope. You’ve done the same thing all of your life, because you know the one truth that can never change…God is the only one capable of bringing healing, from the abusive controls placed over you by others.

Your anger at God is both rational and real, given your feelings of abandonment by God. I say real, because you made choices throughout to seek the truth and find help from people who claimed to represent God. Yet, they too lied to you and abused you and took away your real hope of finding and receiving God’s truth and love. So, you closed yourself off to the possibility of ever finding and knowing that truth in this life. Most people in your position would have done the same or chosen to give up all hope and end their life, because life in this world without God’s
love a part of it, is simply not worth the trouble. Yet, you have maintained that inner knowledge and hope by continuing to seek help, even while angry and suffering the pain of past memories, that are more real in this physical world… than your understanding of God there with you.

I won’t attempt to explain why God in His omnipotence allowed this abuse to occur. I do know without a doubt that nowhere and at no time did God want this to happen to you in His plan for your life. He never wants any of His children to hurt another in any way, yet His love is consistent in that He never takes away their free will choice to do so. Every living person has the potential for the greatest love…or the greatest evil ever. He does not remove that potential from anyone in this life, or He would have to remove it from everyone in order to still remain a just and perfect God. God has been intervening in your life all along, giving you hope to continue seeking that truth which you knew deep within was real and present. He led you to the nearest people that supposedly had the potential they declared to the world as His representatives, to provide that help…and it sounds like in the beginning they did. Then their choices turned to evil and you suffered again.

You are now at a point where, perhaps for the first time, you are able to choose to risk learning and knowing the truth about God and His love for you, because of the hope that lives so very deep within your soul. God’s promises throughout the Scriptures are made real in life through Jesus Christ’s suffering with and for you. It can be the way of finding healing from the past, but more importantly the reality of God’s love and purpose for you in this life, to come to fulfillment starting today and into your future. It will not be easy, and it will be hard to go through the
process needed to heal, but you have the power to choose and follow this path because God has sustained it within you from the beginning. God wants you to have the marriage and life you can value today and the chance to fulfill the plan that He has always wanted for you. To choose to end your life before you experience this reality, is to make the same choice that your abusers made for you – removing the reality of God’s love for you in this life. Nothing you do in this life will change the outcome that God has planned for you in eternity, but it can rob you of the joy that He has planned for you to know now, before you get there through the healing He has begun in you. Won’t you give Him that chance? Your life, by living it here and now, will affect your family much more to their good than robbing them of their time allotted with you by God by ending it now.

I hope and pray that you are willing to take the risks needed to build a new trust in God, to allow Him to overcome and end the control that the evil of your past experiences that remain. God will renew the strength within you to accomplish whatever lies ahead for you. He will sustain you through future and current attacks of evil to make you give up. He will continue to fight for your love and fellowship with Him against all who would attempt to break it. That’s one reason why He brought us together…so you would have renewed hope and knowledge that you are not alone and that together His love will be made new again in your life, as it was in the beginning. So, I ask you to trust me as well…that these things I have said are true. God is eager to begin this journey with you, one where you never have to regret trusting in Him. His hope for you will fulfill your hope in Him.

Pastor Michael


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