Letter From Jesus to All My Clients

My precious child,
I know your pain. I know the heaviness of your heart. I see your sadness. I know your struggles and your sorrow. Do not worry my child, for I understand. Let me absorb your pain. Give it to me, my precious one. Give me your brokenness and I will fill it with courage and wisdom. Give me your real feelings, for I understand. I am very near you and I hear your prayers. I see every single shed tear of yours. I know it seems that you are in a storm and cannot find the way. I am the way and I will lead you to safety. I will protect you. I am closer to you than your own heartbeat. I can see your frailness. I know how tender and fragile your feelings are. Do not be afraid child, for you are my child and I will be your shield. Come into my love and let my spirit strengthen you and bring you comfort. I am praying for you and speaking your name to my Father, asking him to help you. Do not lose faith during this suffering.

Be encouraged, for I am asking my heavenly Father to grant you an abundance of mercy so that you can come through your suffering. And know that I am here with you in the midst of it. For you are a precious lamb of my flock. I will lead you to where you may rest and I will restore your strength. I will lead you to calm waters. Trust in my care, for I am your shepherd. You may think you are too small for me to bother about and that I am too busy looking after everything to have time for you. But don’t you know how precious you are to me? I created you. I have a purpose and a wonderful plan for your life. I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. I intimately care for you. You are my beloved child. Every tear you shed… every pain you feel… I feel it too. You are a part of me and very precious. I will never leave your side. I know of the rejection you have experienced in your life. I know how it hurts. When I walked the earth, I was hated and rejected by the people I dearly loved. I came to help them and they betrayed me. They denied that they even knew me. Some would not even look at me. They called me crazy… a lunatic… a liar… a blasphemer. I felt the pain of rejection. I felt the abandonment. I know the  feelings my child that you have experienced… for I felt them too. Come to me with your pain. Though your family and others have rejected you, I never will.

I know it is hard for you to understand your suffering… You struggle with the injustice in suffering that you see. Your grief is overwhelming to you but know that you will overcome it. Be encouraged. Everyone experiences trouble in this fallen world. But remember I have overcome the world and because you are in me, you too will overcome your grief. You will never be hungry again or thirst again… I will stand before my Father as your defense attorney and I will plead your case. And know child of mine, my Father is pure justice. Rest in knowing that justice will be done, but it shall be done by my Father. Release to me the pain of injustices that have been done to you.

Oh my dear one, remember that I died for you and rose again. This is your hope. Hold tightly to it. I am Lord of suffering. In your suffering and sorrow allow me to enter your darkness. I am your hope. You have suffered much. Remember my child, that those people who know they have great spiritual needs are happy because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. They draw close to me and cry out in their weakness and I fill them with my own spirit. Run to me. I am your place of safety and I will hold you up in my arms forever. I am ready to catch you. When I was suffering in the garden over my impending death, I was
thinking of you and praying for my peace to flow through the core of your being… reminding you of my unconditional love for you. My love is strong enough to handle your questions and skepticism. You will not anger me with your shouts of why? Tell me your anger… Come sit with me and let me hold your pain. And for the times, my child, when you cannot speak, do not worry. Do not worry that you cannot express to me in words, what you feel in your heart. My Holy Spirit will be your voice. I know you are tired and wanting to give up. You have struggled so much and you are worn out. But I am here standing beside you. I will hold you up.I will be your strength. Trust me.

I know child of mine, that in this dark valley of your life, you are having a hard time seeing my love for you, but my love is there. So don’t worry, for I am with you. And don’t be afraid for I am your Savior… Remember my promise. Bind it up and store it in your heart. The sufferings you have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be shown to you. This suffering will not last forever. You my child, if you continue to trust me as your Savior, will be with me in a place of unending glory. This glory is beyond human understanding. There are no words that can explain to you the wonder that awaits you. And it will cover over and outweigh all of the grief of this temporal life. You shall be satisfied. So do not give up my precious little one. I know what you are asking my child… “But this suffering is so long. How long will I be sad and feeling so much pain?” Your suffering has been long. Your burdens have been heavy. Oh my child… human life is a grief journey. Even I, who am sinless, know grief and sorrow. When you suffer, I suffer. But trust me.

My child, life is grief and pain. I never promised that your life would know no suffering. But what I have promised is that in all of the pain and suffering, I will be your Savior. Build your life on me… the mighty rock. And when the storms of affliction hit you with hurricane force, you need not worry, if you hold on to the rock… I will lift you up from this place of pain and I will change your name. And you will be a precious vessel that will be used by me to comfort others. You will be a bold vessel that will be used by me to speak truth to my church. And you will be an encourager to others… a voice speaking of my love. Do not give up my little one. Continue to hold on to my hope. Choose life. Oh my child, you do not know the plans I have for you. There are many people who need to meet you. We will travel your life journey together.

Do not give up. Finish the race I have given you. I am asking you to trust me. Look to me, my precious one, I am the light. Do not take your eyes off of me. I want you to be strong in me and in my great power. I am faithful and I will give you strength and will protect you from the evil one. Rest in me and allow me to heal you. Just as your garden, dormant in the darkness of winter, begins to grow and flourish in the spring; I will heal your soul and it shall blossom and flourish. The darkness will be overtaken by the light. The warmth of my love, breaking through the cracks of your pain and hopelessness, will melt away sorrow. The garden of your soul will prosper and the sweet smelling fragrance of your heart will bring joy to all who see. And then I shall say to you, “Look, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. Blossoms appear throughout the Land of your Preservation. The time has come to sing, and the cooing of doves is heard in the land. There are young figs on the fig trees, and the blossoms on the vine smell sweet. Get up my child. Take my hand and together we shall walk through life.
Your loving Jesus.”


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